Quality of perfection.
Perfection of quality

Quality of perfection. Perfection of quality.

Our unique experience and high technologies ensure reliability of all manufactured types of insulation and serve as the foundation for the development of new engineering proposals.

Our products

Trust. Reliability. Innovations.

The strategic goal of our company is to strengthen our leadership among global insulation manufacturers, ensure reliable supplies by increasing productivity and employing our scientific and technological potential.


We have launched a new website!

Meet the new website of Global Insulator Group!

  • 5 manufacturing facilities
  • 1958 of experience
  • >70 representatives around the world
  • 100+ countries footprint
  • 650 million insulators supplied worldwide

Global footprint

>100 countries Over 600 mln insulators supplied all over the world. 

We understand the requirements of the market for the insulation quality. Long-term partnership with 400 customers around the world testifies to the quality of our products.
